disaffection|disaffections in English


[,dis·af'fec·tion || ‚dɪsə'fekʃn]

alienation, estrangement, absence of affection; discontent, disloyalty

Use "disaffection|disaffections" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "disaffection|disaffections" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "disaffection|disaffections", or refer to the context using the word "disaffection|disaffections" in the English Dictionary.

1. Disaffection broke out almost from the start.

2. Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?

3. There are signs of growing disaffection amongst voters.

4. Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers.

5. There was no defect in God's government, no cause for disaffection.

6. Citi has been forced to deny newspaper reports of board disaffection.

7. Populace's disaffection, directly relates the society the harmony and the stability.

8. Or are they reflecting growing disaffection among scientists with recent changes in their profession?

9. Under his influence the leaven of disaffection was fast doing its work.

10. That disaffection increasingly is extending from the frontline level into higher echelons.

11. Even the player also took turns to coach to express the disaffection.

12. The government's response to popular disaffection has been simply to increase security.

13. The studied indifference of the federal government increased disaffection among civil rights workers.

14. Angry populists like Pat Buchanan will exploit the disaffection of those left behind.

15. They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in, the form of strikes.

16. I have endeavoured to give in their briefest outline the reasons for my disaffection.

17. There is a lot of disaffection with Nur Adde among the old MP - warlord interests.

18. Henry McLeish also promised to address the deep disaffection among Labour backbenchers exposed by his snap election last weekend.

19. The studied indifference of the federal government increased disaffection among civil rights workers. Black activists especially became increasingly alienated.

20. Beyond those, they cite the high costs of customer disaffection, which drives down both profit margins and market share.

21. In these days of siege, psychiatrists must treat disaffection through militant group action and advocating conscientious, high-quality patient care.

22. Alone among them, he appreciated the full potential of radio as the means to insinuate doubt and disaffection among his listeners.

23. HE was my confidential source in the Libyan military this spring, an officer who passed on secret information about disaffection in the ranks of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

24. Extremist movements feed on the disaffection of tribes and forest dwellers who still often face denial of access to natural resources and equal development opportunities.

25. The Autotelic text is a game of symbols, an artifice of ironic detachment, ludic or cynical, embodying an intellectual delight in the game for its own sake or an emotional disaffection in the absence of certainty